Artist Interview & Beading Project with Andria Bieber

Protect Your Memories With Jewelry Insurance Services

It has been a wild couple of years lately when it comes to freak acts of nature. Between the super storm Sandy that devastated the Northeast to the tornadoes that literally wiped out towns in Oklahoma to the brush fires that decimated hundreds of miles in Colorado, it seems like there is no telling what might happen next.

Canary Yellow Diamonds Can Be the Perfect Engagement Ring

The Canary diamonds are truly magnificent yellow colored stones that have dazzling shine and has the power to enhance the charm of a woman. The presence of nitrogen in the stone gives a yellow color to it. Passion, abundance and inner strength are signified through the Canary yellow diamond.

Possibilities of Costume Earrings As You Age

As we get more mature, women especially who have been wearing earrings over the years will find that their earlobes will have lost their collagen and as a result may be a little flappy. After years, earrings do take a toll on your ears.

Loose Diamonds Are Recession Defiant Investments

Once upon time gold and gold jewellery were being traded with great fervour but now loose diamonds are the most desired investment choices. This is due to the fact that the diamonds are getting depleted day by day, making them rare in occurrence. No wonder their value would be on a steady rise irrespective of the market conditions.

Add a Special Touch to Your Engagement With Tacori Rings!

Tacori Rings, are very popular for their style, uncommon designs and innovative styles. Their wide variety of collections has something or the other for everyone.

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