Thailand’s Jewelry Making Tradition
Thailand has become one of the most reputable sources for reasonably priced gold and silver jewelry. Let us explore some of the reasons that earned Thailand such position in the world.
Jewelry Care: Good Tips On How To Take Care Of Your JewelryAll kinds of jewelry need proper care and maintenance. Do not mix different kinds of jewelry as they can be prone to damage. Avoid wearing jewelry when doing housework and rigorous activities.
Purchasing Wedding Rings And Engagement Rings Together Is SmartWedding rings are the most important part of your wedding ceremony. Without your wedding rings, there is nothing to put on your man’s finger as you exchange vows. Heaven forbid the world sees his naked finger after he becomes married! These rings are certainly a quick way to tell if someone is married or not, but even if a man is not wearing a wedding band, he could still be in a committed relationship.
All About Custom Made RingsFactory-made rings are lovely, but nothing beats custom made. Learn all about the process of designing a unique piece of fine jewelry, and discover how easy and affordable it can be.
How To Design JewelryDesigning your own jewelry is an enjoyable pastime with many benefits. In order to design jewelry, specific steps will need to be followed so that the outcome is acceptable. Although there are many different styles and types of jewelry that can be designed and made at home, here is a general guideline which will help you to design almost any piece of jewelry with ease. It can either be used for your own purposes or you may wish to give it as a gift.