Curated Bead Box Spring is in the Air April 2023 Opening

The Spot on Potentials of a Jewelry Appraiser

A certified jewelry appraiser is the best person to judge the true value of your jewelry. If the professional is with capable and well acquainted with the ways of estimating gems and jewelleries in style, you will be provided with the true value of your jewelry.

Tanmaniya Pendants – Make Your Wedding Even More Special!

Wedding is one of the most important ceremonies in a woman’s life! Right from the bridal outfit to accessories, she spends almost everything to get just the best, adding grandeur to the function. Special care must be shown while choosing bridal accessories because if they don’t go well with your costume, you will lose the charm.

Earrings Ideal for Sensitive Skin

It is a common practice to pierce ears and adorn them with earrings, thereby adding some interesting element to the face. Earrings are available in almost all materials including gold, silver, platinum, wood, clay and even paper. But not all materials are suitable for sensitive ears like the ones made from nickel and stainless steel which causes allergic reactions when worn.

Apache Tear Obsidian: Legend and Facts

Apache Tear is a form of Obsidian which is a natural volcanic glass which forms when lava solidifies so quickly that minerals do not have time to grow. The name Obsidian simply refers to the glassy texture, and technically Obsidian can have any composition. Obsidian is typically jet black, although the presence of Hematite produces red and brown varieties, and the inclusion of tiny gas bubbles can create a golden sheen.

Screwbacks – Perfect for Diamond Earrings

Diamond earrings are highly valuable that they have to be maintained properly and kept secured so that they stay as it is for ages. Many women prefer to wear simple diamond earrings that can be attached to their ears easily using earring backs. Therefore, earring backs that offer comfort and security are preferred by many people.

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