Handmade Cloisonne Beads Displays The Skill of Artisans
Cloisonne is a very old technique that was originally used for decorating metal objects. It was also used for decorating glass, precious stones and many other surfaces, by using glass like enamel inlays. The resulting item would be called cloisonne, which is literally translated to “Partitioned” in English.
Appreciating The Beauty in Faceted Glass BeadsIf you can appreciate even a little of fine art, you will undoubtedly appreciate some of the craftsmanship involved in creating faceted glass beads. Depending on how and where they are used, glass beads can add an extra special touch or flair to a wide variety of items. Recently, they have become very popular as jewellery items.
Argyle Diamond Mine Keeps Gems in the PinkThis mine is the world’s largest producer of the colored versions of the gemstones, commissioned in 1985, and is located in the East Kimberly region of Western Australia. Rio Tinto Limited owns 100 percent of the mine, which has produced more than 791 million carats of the gems. In April 2013, the mine commissioned an underground mine, expected to be completed in 2015, that will keep the company producing the gems until at least 2020.
Tricks And Tools For The Trade of Jewellery MakingThere may be dozens of reasons why jewellery making is becoming popular. Many people find it enjoyable, because it offers the opportunity to express some artistic creativity, and it is also an inexpensive hobby that can become profitable. As with any other hobby or profession that involves artistic expressions, some tools are necessary. Choosing the right tools will definitely make the job much easier, but also much more enjoyable.
Knowing More About Using Awesome Jewellery WireYou cannot make jewellery without jewellery wire, and it is in almost every jewel maker’s kit. The wire is available in various sizes, colours, strengths, metal substances. Jewellery wire is also sold in bulk on spools, and as smaller coils.