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Revue Thommen Watches Overview – History of a Prestigious Brand, Its Presidential Watches, and More

One of the most prestigious watch companies is Revue Thommen. Founded in the 1800s, the company has been making timepieces that anyone can appreciate – even world leaders. Many US presidents, starting with Truman, have worn Revue Thommen watches.

Glycine Watches Guide – The History of the Brand, the Airman Series, and Other Popular Watches

Glycine watches have been around since 1914. The brand has come a long way over the years, although it has always maintained the ability to create high-quality timepieces. In the 1950s, the company really started to make a name for itself, much in part due to its AIRMAN line. These were among the first timepieces that featured mufti time zone technology. The aviator watches are designed with a combination of classic watch-making and modern trends.

What Are Acrylic Beads And How Do I Use Them?

Acrylic beads are a type of product which has been molded into a specific shape, and had a hole punched through the middle of it, so that it can be threaded on to a chain, wire or piece of cord. Acrylic beads are sometimes known as plastic beads, because acrylic is a special type of plastic.

International Luxury Gold Plating

What is gold plating? It is a cheaper way to own luxurious jewelry. An item that is not solid gold but layered in many different precious metals.

Concord Watches Overview on These Versatile Watches, the Brand’s History, Popular Series, and More

Concord has been making versatile watches for a hundred years. The company was founded in Switzerland in 1908. It has always used groundbreaking techniques in its creation of timepieces. It was the first company to craft a wristwatch out of coins. In 1945, President Truman gave Concord watches to Joseph Stalin and Winston Churchill.

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