my copper wire pendants collection @LanAnhHandmade

Sapphire Mining In Rock Creek Montana

Rock Creek, Montana is home to a sapphire mine that has existed since the 1800’s. The Gem Mountain sapphire deposit of Rock Creek offers visitors a chance to mine for sapphires while having fun with the family.

A Quick Overview About Wedding Jewelry For Brides

Nothing else can make a woman more beautiful on her special day but a complete set of ornaments to adorn her. Next to the dresses, wedding jewelry for brides need to be purchased ahead of time especially if you are rooting for custom-made ones. This is because availability of materials and intricacies of the design may keep you from getting them on time.

Finally, a Ring a Man Will Love to Wear

Titanium ring technology is enabling masculine design possibilities and opening the flood doors to the male imagination. Engineers, athletes, rock stars, and astronauts have the opportunity to express the creative side of their life work. Each piece is an original, no two rings are alike, and every ring preserves time and beauty with the added luxury of durability and comfort.

Several Reasons to Purchase Diamond Ring Guards

There is nothing quite as troublesome as having a ring that doesn’t fit your finger properly; this creates constant worry over losing the precious piece of jewelry. Ring makers have come up with a solution to help those who experience this problem, rings guards. There are several reasons why a person may need to purchase a ring guard, to protect their ring.

Information About The Gemstone Citrine

Citrine is a gemstone which derives its name from the French word ‘citrin’, which means yellow. It has been used as a gem and ornamental stone for over three thousand years. In the past it has often been confused with topaz. It is found in volcanic rocks (often in the cavity, forming geodes); mainly in Brazil, Madagascar and United States. The color of the stone is usually yellow, orange, brownish-yellow, brown, yellowish-orange, orangish-yellow and orangish-brown.

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