Why Is a Diamond So Special?
Diamonds are the universal symbol of love and human connection. This meaning of a diamond is often integrated into life’s most celebrated moments: an engagement ring, an anniversary ring or just a reminder of everlasting love. Many opinion articles have disputed the allure of the diamond, claiming that there is a surplus of them in the world and that they are regulated.
Best Engagement Rings for an Active LifestyleAvid rock climber or kayaker? Choose the best engagement ring for your active partner wisely.
Best Engagement Rings For That ‘Au Natural’ LookOne of the most recent and best engagement ring trends to have emerged over the past few years is the ‘au natural’ look. Brides are rejecting the glitzy bling of processed diamonds that imply that ‘bigger is better’ and are instead opting for something less obvious. This rejection of the standard glittery ring is partly due to society’s recognition of a lack of value in mass produced, over exposed items that are simply a dime a dozen. Brides-to-be are craving a more unique and ‘back-to-nature’ handcrafted style that has more sentimental than financial value.
What Kind of Earrings Are Right for You?No outfit is ever truly complete without that special little glamour that only earrings can provide. Whether you’re heading to the office or for a night out on the town, your earrings will help add that little extra sparkle to your style. There are a number of different types of earrings, and each have their own perfect time and place.
Dare to Be Different With Custom Made Engagement RingsJust because diamonds are forever doesn’t mean they’re for everyone. More and more these days, people are exploring their options when it comes to custom made engagement rings. Maybe they’re newlyweds looking to buy their first home rather than sell the farm for an extravagant diamond. Or perhaps it’s someone who previously purchased custom made engagement rings with expensive diamonds and subsequently lost them. Whatever the reason, there’s a growing demand for something besides the traditional diamond and, for many reasons, one of the strongest candidates is the sapphire.