10 Quick Tips to Choose Your Perfect Engagement Ring
Shopping for a unique engagement ring may seem daunting, but trust us, it isn’t rocket science! To help kick off your search, we have rounded up some easy steps to help you find the ideal engagement ring for the love of your life, guaranteed to make her say ‘YES’!
Do Different Coloured Pearls Suit Different Skin Tones?A common question asked by pearl buyers relates to different coloured pearls and their suitability or otherwise for different skin colours and tones. The answer in one sense is easy – “it depends”! It should come as no surprise to anyone that personal tastes in terms of colours and colour matching, are highly personal.
5 Different Types of RingsRings are a highly fashionable item of jewelry and come in plenty of different types and styles. Most rings can be classified in two ways; one is purely based on its style, such as beaded rings, while the other relates to its symbolic meanings.
How to Choose Bracelets With Names for CouplesBracelets have always been a relevant symbol in human relations. For centuries human relations has been maintained and manifested through expressions of gratitude, love, affection through an exchange of gifts.
The Precious Stones For A Better LifeThe effects of living beings are obvious one one’s mind and body, but as per the Vedic Astrology, there are also some non-living things that can create tremendous effects on the life and mind of the wearer. It seems a bit unbelievable, as per the ancient Hindu scriptures, it is very much true. There are many people who have got huge benefits from these stones, and hence they hold great significance in the human life.